Director of Coaching



1)        Must be a Level Two Coach or equivalent as approved by the State Technical Panel.

2)        Must have a current Level Two Coaching Course Presenters Certificate.

3)        Must be able to provide leadership to the member of the Panel.

4)        Should possess the ability to writer and edit technical documents.

5)        Must display an ability to work positively with other directors and committees.

6)        Must possess the ability and capabilities to receive and disseminate information.

7)        Must be present at least once annually at a Level One or higher Coaching Course.



1)        To liaise with the Director at all times with respect to the conduct to Coaching Courses.

2)        To arrange for the Director, Panel Member or any other authorised person to attend an Affiliate for the purpose of assessing a Course Presenter.

3)        To arrange, where necessary, facilities for the Director, for the conduct of Coaching Courses or seminars.

4)        To become qualified, pursuant to the requirements of the position, both as a practical Coach and as Course Presenter.

5)        To advertise, promote and conduct courses within the Affiliates.

6)        To assist in the education program for Coaches within the Affiliates.

7)        To prepare and recommend policy on selection of Regional Coaches.

8)        To approve any awards connected with Coaches.

9)        To monitor the re-accreditation programs of Level One Coaches.

10)      To assess Coaches performances within their Affiliates.